As well as Handfasting I am able to photograph all kinds of Pagan events; Baby Namings, Initiations, Public Rituals, Festivals, Conferences etc. I'm based in North Wales, but happy to travel depending on the booking. 
I've been Pagan all my adult life, initially receiving training from a Gardenerian High Priestess, but largely as a solitary practitioner. Why am I telling you this? Well if you are planning a Handfasting or other pagan event or ceremony, having a pagan photographer can make a real difference. You have enough to think about without having to explain every little detail to your photographer. As a pagan myself I have an understanding of ritual, which elements are important, and how to behave in ritual space. But more than that, your photographer will be around you all day long, so you need to choose someone that you can be yourself around, be relaxed and not self conscious. In short be your most magical, pagan selves.
The beauty of a Handfasting, or other pagan ceremony is that they are all so individual. As such my services are just as individual. I always have a consultation with my clients to put together a package that suits their needs. Having a weekend camp for your Handfasting and want the whole weekend photographing? No problem, I'll grab my tent and spend the weekend. Hiking into a remote forest glade? Awesome!
Obviously that's all great, but you are also looking for good photographs too right? Well, I'm an experienced wedding photographer, and have worked in a wide variety of venues in North Wales, from high end hotels and fancy churches, to small dark chapels, to woodland glades, and marques. So I have plenty of experience of producing beautiful pictures in challenging lighting and weather conditions. 
Something everyone says after their event is that the time flew by and they hardly remember most of it. Looking at a photograph is like a time machine, transporting you back to those special moments. Photographs  have the power to bring those memories back into focus, and help us feel those emotions again. 
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